木べらで卓球!/Table tennis with a wooden spoon!


Usually, when playing table tennis, you attach a rubber to your racket and play, but this time I would like to explain the importance of practicing with a wooden spoon without attaching a rubber.



上回転打ち/topspin hit


First of all, it will be an upper rotation strike. When playing table tennis with a wooden spoon, it is difficult to keep hitting the ball on the same course unless your opponent is good at it, so have them bring out the machine or ball first. To hit one course all the time. It is important to be able to continue.


This is just a practice method to develop your senses, so you don’t need to hit with all your might. For example, try using a machine to continuously send the ball down one course.


The best way to start is to practice sitting in a chair. What you need to be careful about is hitting the ball in the correct position even if you are sitting on a chair. Try adjusting the position of your chair so that you can hit the ball in a position that produces the most power, neither too high nor too low.


All that’s left is practice. Finally, after getting a feel for hitting the ball with a wooden spoon, try hitting it with a rubber racket and the ball will fly tremendously upwards.


 下回転打ち/down spin hit


Once you can hit the ball with topspin rotation using a wooden spoon, it’s time to master downspin rotation.


I think it is very difficult to hit a ball that downspin, unlike a ball that topspin. If you hit the ball with the racquet side up as much as possible, and imagine the racquet side facing down from the moment you touch the ball, you will get the feeling of hitting the ball stably into your opponent’s court without using any force.


Two things are important. The first is not to put too much force, and the second is to make the swing path almost the same as a topspin hit.


Now that you’ve come this far, have you noticed anything? When it comes to table tennis, it’s important to keep it simple so that you can handle a variety of rotations with the same swing, without thinking too hard about it. If you hit with too much force only when hitting the ball with downspin, it will never be stable.





So far, we have introduced practice methods to develop your senses. If you want to further improve your skills, why not try practicing footwork using a wooden spoon or practicing games? If you use it incorrectly, it may cause your form to deteriorate, so please be careful and have fun playing table tennis!


If you improve to this point, I think you will be able to hit the ball stably against upspin and downspin with very little force. I also think that by combining the sensations in your hands and the power of hitting the ball with your whole body, you will be able to hit the ball in a way that you have never felt before. Please, try it!




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