高く打つコツ/Tips for hitting the ball high


In table tennis, a net is installed in the middle of the table, which acts as an obstacle. With meat-based techniques, it is difficult to hit the ball with power from a position lower than the net.


I previously mentioned that the important thing in table tennis is to increase the probability of entering the opponent’s court. By hitting the ball in a high arc, you can avoid the obstacle of the net and send a powerful ball into the opponent’s court.



This time, I would like to explain to those who have difficulty drawing a high arc when driving how to be able to hit the ball.



面を開く/open the face


Do you know what happens when you open the racket surface when you hit a ball?
For example, if your opponent hits you with a drive, if you open the racket and hit the ball, the ball will fly upwards.


Conversely, what would happen if you hit the ball with the racket face closed?
This time it’s the opposite. You will feel the ball flying further down than when you open the racket face.


In other words, if you want the ball to fly upwards, open the racket face, and if you want to suppress the momentum of the ball flying upwards, close the racket face.



高い弧線を描くために/draw a high arc


If the racket face is open and fixed, the racket swing direction must be adjusted depending on the amount of rotation of the drive. I think it’s very difficult to match your swing every time you hit a ball with a different amount of rotation each time.


Conversely, if you close the racket surface, the racket surface will face downward, making it easier to hit the corners of the racket. As I mentioned at the beginning, the important thing in table tennis is to increase the probability of entering the opponent’s court as much as possible.


The timing of opening and closing of the racket face is important in order to keep the direction and amount of rotation as constant as possible, increase the probability of entering the opponent’s court, and continue hitting the ball with a high arc drive.



打球方法/How to hit the ball


First, maintain proper posture and keep the racket surface open until just before hitting the ball. In reality, I think it would be more correct to say that the racket face is closed when you are holding the ball, and opens just before you hit the ball.


If the racket surface is open at the moment of impact, the ball will be less likely to fall downwards and more likely to rise higher. However, if you keep swinging diagonally upward, the ball will fly farther.


So, the key here is to keep the racket face open until just before you hit the ball, and close the racket face just before impact. By doing this, you can hit the ball as if it were rolling from diagonally to directly above the racket while keeping it attached to the racket.


In other words, by skillfully controlling the opening and closing of the racket surface, you can increase the probability of hitting the racket surface, while controlling the arc and continuing to drive powerful drives into the opponent’s court.


However, please be aware that if you grip the racket too tightly, the racket will not bend and it will be difficult to control the racket surface !!





いいね ! しよう

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