ロビングってどうやるの?/ How do you do lobbing?


It’s a technique that isn’t often used in matches, but it’s never better to be able to do it, so today I’d like to introduce you to the lobbing technique.


When it comes to lobbing techniques, there is a theory that instead of just blindly raising the ball high, you break the opponent down.


 ワンコースラリーと同じ感覚で/Same feeling as a one-course rally


First, I will explain the positional relationship between the body and the racket. Unless you are hitting the ball so high that you have to reach out and hit it, hit it at the same position as in a one-course rally (around the front of your chest).


Do you know why that position is the best? This is because it is the most stable position.


Next, I will explain how to instantly move to that position.


しっかりとした体勢で打つこと!/Hit with a strong stance!


In any case, the important thing in lobbing is to hit the ball in a strong position.


In order to do that, I think you first need to instantly predict how hard your opponent will hit the ball, and then move behind that position while anticipating that.


Then, when your opponent hits the ball, make small adjustments so that you can hit the ball in front of your chest. At this time, if the ball falls closer to you than you expected, keep your stance low, take firm steps, and try to hit the ball in front of your chest.


All that’s left to do is keep going, but it’s extremely difficult to keep going while making predictions.



どこに打つべきか?/where should you hit?


Your opponent is trying to score, but if you move too far away from the table tennis table, you will be hit with a drop shot nearby.


On the other hand, if you are near the table tennis table, it will be difficult to return the ball when a strong smash comes.


In other words, it’s no good if your opponent hits you with a powerful smash. Also, if you hit lobing, where you can’t predict which way your opponent will hit you, you will never improve.


When hitting a lobbing ball, add a little forward rotation to prevent your opponent from hitting the ball too hard, and hit the ball so that it stretches out a little after bouncing into the opponent’s court.


Also, if your opponent is standing on the foreside, you should aim for the backside of the court and lob the ball next time.


Lobbing is a defensive technique, and you cannot win just by continuing to lobbing.


How about practicing to overwhelm your opponent with good lobbing and then counterattack when your opponent is unable to hit hard?




Thank you for reading to the end.

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